How KeepeeFi Differs From SimpleeFi And CredeeFi?


  • Customized Interest Rate

  • No Reserve Payment

  • No Credit Checks


  • percentage circle

    Standard Interest Rate

  • No Reserve Payment

  • No Credit Checks


  • Percentage Circle

    Standard Interest Rate

  • Reserve Payment

  • No Credit Checks

Why Choose KeepeeFi?

Enhanced Flexibility

Through KeepeeFi, Credee gives businesses more flexibility and puts you in charge of your revenue. When you set your interest rate, you can offer better terms to your customers and increase your sales.

Money Forbidden

No Reserves

KeepeeFi facilitates an immediate revenue stream, with no mandatory reserves withheld to start. As your customer begins payments, your business starts receiving recurring revenue from the first month of the contract itself.

Security Users

Increased Customer Loyalty

Customers converting their bills into manageable monthly payments with flexible terms enhances customer loyalty. You will increase the chance of your customers returning to your business, thanks to Credee.  

Improved Sales

Statistically, customers buy more when a business offers them payment plans. Through KeepeeFi, you can boost your revenue by making your services more accessible to 97% of customers.

Take advantage of Credee to improve your business's bottom line

At Credee, we understand the importance of providing payment plans that make it possible for most customers to afford your services. Not only does it help your business's bottom line, but it also acts as a financial aid for your customers.

What makes Credee stand out: 

No Credit Check Policy

Credee helps businesses provide flexible payment plans to customers regardless of their credit scores.

97% Approval Rate

Our high approval rate helps make your services more accessible and affordable to customers whom you couldn't serve before.


Automated Software

Credee's automated system helps businesses streamline their payments and reduce manual work to save time and effort.


Easy Integration

Our software easily integrates with any website or system to allow for 24/7 access to financing directly from anywhere, anytime.

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Secure Transactions

We use the latest data protection standards to ensure that business and customer data are kept private and safe. 

Try Credee NOW!

Offer payment plans to more customers without any manual effort.

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