Simplified Payments. Amplified Revenue

SimpleeFi with Deferred Interest allows you to create flexible payment plans for your customers without charging any interest during the first 12 months. They can even choose to pay off the entire amount interest-free within this deferred duration.


The Perks?

You increase the chance of receiving the entire amount within twelve months as customers will be more inclined to avoid paying interest. 


What’s More?

No reserves means more revenue! You get paid when your customers makes the first payment.

SimpleeFi With Deferred Interest Vs. CredeeFi

Interest Charge

Interest Rates

Reserve Payments

SimpleeFi With Deferred Interest

Reserve Payments

No Interest for the First Twelve Months

Interest Rates

Lower Interest Rates


No Payment Reserve


Reserve Payments

Interest Charged from the First Month

Interest Rates

Standard Interest Rates


Reserve Payment 

Want to know more about SimpleeFi with Deferred Interest?

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